I continue to be ‘star struck’. I think the draw in these are a) they are adorable and b) they are completable in an evening of knitting, so you get that finishing endorphin rush. I have a particular reason to make so many, and I just met my goal of six for particular gifting purposes. I was thinking today it would be fun to make a star bunting out of the leftovers of favorite yarns. Yet another thing to do once I am reunited with my stash! I have a whole scrap box that I can’t wait to put to use.
I have been working on fingerless gloves out of the leftover yarn from my Box Pleat hat, but I realized after birthday party that I was not. going. to. have. enough. yarn. CRUMB. So, I went back to the purple that had been my first thought, and started again. I waffled a few times about whether or not to try and do a more fancy pair, but the reality is I’m getting about an hour average of knitting time during the week, so if I need TWO of these (and I do plan to leave here with two hands), then I should probably stick with my basic rib idea. I did learn when I was increasing for the thumb gusset on the now abandoned pair that I should probably do my increases with two rest rounds between, so at least that knitting wasn’t in vain. So long blue gloves…
This weekend I made hamburger buns which I was rather afraid wouldn’t turn out, but they rose beautifully in the oven so all was well. These are really good buns, and I’ll probably make them sometimes when I’m back Stateside. That being said, I’m not going to be sorry to be living somewhere that I can just *buy* things like hamburger buns!
The ‘lasts’ are starting to come hard and fast now, and I’m getting more and more excited about the coming new phase of my life. It’s a wonderful gift—a new life, but it’s also one that is messy, hard to process, and going to take a lot of work. I’m trying to keep the baby steps going, but sometimes it’s a little overwhelming what all needs to happen between now and December 15th. Oh well, I guess I’ll just go knit a few more stars!