Friday, January 28, 2005


I got MS Office last night! For the first time in my life I have access to Exel! I finally have Word! I also have like my favorite microsoft program, Publisher! I am on the same page as the rest of the world now!


Despite the fact that it is a very dreary day, I am having a pretty good day. I just got back from a walk around campus and I feel very good despite my cold cheeks. I passed the grave yard; I will go wander around there sometime. I didn't today because I didn't want to get my shoes dirty and my pants wet. That would stink. I was thinking how sad it is that once someone dies they are buried and largly forgotten unless they did something really splended with thier life. We remember Abraham Lincone and Ceaser, but not people like Pearl Anne Baker (My great-great grandmother). When you think about it really, what is a human life but a leaf in the wind? However, we need not be depressed and fear because the king of all creation remembers our name and has called us to be his own. Because I am his, my name will never be forgotten- it is written in the book of life. Because I belong to the King, my body will rot and my earthly name be forgotten, but my essence, *me*, will sing with the angels in heaven. Wow. The things we learn from the simplest occurances in our life.
I am feeling really sorry for Dr. Sulton right now. He canceled his recital and has not been seen all day. I am not sure why; I wonder if he will tell us why during studio class. I was afraid that he might kill himself from being in "recital mode", but now I think he will have bigger problems. As strang as he is, and as much as I laugh at him, I geninly like and respect him. I hope that he copes well and gets over this dissapointment quickly.
I can't think of anything else even remotly interesting to say. I am done.

Thursday, January 27, 2005


Yesterday I almost was run over by a big truck while I was flying blindly down the highway at 65 mph. That was not fun. I was going blind because my windows had fogged up. Luckliy, I got off the highway before I died, and God sent a wonderful hiway patrol man to save me. I felt loved. : )
Dr. Sulton is still in recital mode-I hope for his sake that he can take it till the actual event. I am glad that I am not giving a recital yet; otherwise I would just die now and save everyone the bother of killing me slowly.
Hymnology is to much fun for its own good. I love the music, I love hymns, it is a fun class, and Dr. Dearman is teaching it! What more is there?
Last night I got to bed after 12, and when my alarm went off at 6:10 I turned on my light so that I would not do what I promptly did; go back to sleep. I woke again at 6:30 with half and hour to get out the door. Ahhh! I somehow got myself and all my junk out the door, and THANK GOD it was not a misty/foggy morning so I didn't have a repeat of yesterday. (Once was quite enough thank you) I heard Dr. Sulton's recital (WOW!), and I didn't get like any of my own practicing done today. Oh well! That is just to bad!
Nothing else big has happened in my recent life other than I am now on a quest to see both Labyrinth and The Phantom of the Opera. I want to see Labyrinth for a funny reason, and I LOVED the music and the book of TPOTO.
Oh, I orderd MS Office yesterday! I can't wait for it to come! I HATE Word Perfect. MS has several terrible problems itself, but MSW is better than WP. Enough ranting--more later!

Friday, January 14, 2005

Cool quote!

I forgot that I wanted to put this cool quote up!

"A sense of humor is a measurement of the extent to which we realize that we are trapped in a world almost totally devoid of reason. Laughter is how we express the anxiety we feel at this knowledge." --Dave Barry

It's been awhile...

Well, I am back at school, practicing three really cool pieces, and mostly oriented. I still feel a little scrambled anytime any one asks me to think, but I am working on coraling my brain from the far reaches of the universe whence they scattered several years ago... Oh well, it is worth a shot!
So far all my classes have been going GREAT! I am fine in Math so far (YEAH!), I was told today that the worst part of theory is over (that remains to be seen...), and I just need to practice ear training a little more and I should be fine. : )
I have rather mixed feelings about getting Monday off; I think it is nice to have a break for a nice man like Martin Luther King Jr., but why don't we get our own founding father's birthdays off? And is it really fair to give everyone three whole days to slip back into vacation mode? We are just getting reved up to go! Oh well, I was not consulted about a great deal of the descisions made 'round here. Humph. I bet I could do a pretty good job of running a university if given the chance!
I am killing time till GSR right now. I guess I could/should be practicing right now, but I don't want to. :::evil laugh:::
I was insulted by one of my piano students yesterday. I wanted to punch his face of spank him. Either one would have worked. He told me that he didn't want to suffer through my playing (I had offered to play a hymn that he had never heard for him so he would have some idea of what he was doing). I hope the proffs at LU smash him flat. I wish an D on him, and may he get stuck in the perspective vortex and go mad. There. I feel better now.
Even if he is a rude person, Dr. Sulton has yet to complain and he is in a much better place to make comments like that! Well, he has told me he dosn't like my playing, but it was more in the form of, "Do that better!" Now I am babbling. I with an ent would walk down the hallway. Then I could call Elise and Annie and say, "AN ENT IS WALKING DOWN THE HALLWAY IN THE MUSIC BUILDING! I AM GOING TO ASK FOR HIS AUTOGRAPHE!" I would also hit myself in the head becuase I have no way to take a picture of him. : ) I love random fantisies!