Yesterday was crazy, but it was THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL which was VERY cool. Now the little thing called finals... No problem right?
I got the Joy Allen and James C. Quinn Endowed Piano Scholarship in the GSR award ceremony yesterday--the funny things is that I can't get the endowment ($1,500) because I have the tuition waiver.
However, my name will be put on a plaque in the music building with all the other people who have gotten that scholarship.
I managed to forget what time studio class was yesterday so I wasn't there. *head bang* I felt SO BAD. Why did I forget for the first time on the last day of my sophomore year? Why? I can only quote the icon that Elise shared with me awhile back--"Can't brain today, have the dumb." I also found out that I wore mismatched earrings all day. If anyone noticed and didn't tell me (thanks a lot palls) , I hope they thought it was a bold fashion statement. So, I got an award, accepted it in mismatched earrings, and forgot about studio class all in one day. WHY AM I SO STUPID SOMETIMES?
Last night it stormed in the early hours of the morning. I was really deeply asleep when one particularly spectacular BOOM jolted me awake. I thought the world had ended and Jesus had come back. To bad--I really don't want to take the finals I have on Monday...
Mummy and I went shopping at K-Mart for suitable shirts to wear in Zambia. I sometimes have a hard time finding shirts that fit well, are long enough in the body and sleeves, and that I can afford. I am trying to build up a good wardrobe as I can afford it. The professional look is a slight drawback to my major... I don't understand why they make shirts so short now! I have a longer torso than a lot of people just because I'm tall, so you can imagine how short things are one me if they are short on an average person... I am convinced that clothing designers are raised in special environments where all they never actually see human beings or where they only see the stereotypical woman (which I have seen very few of in the wild outside of TV).
I can't believe that I am leaving in a little over a week! Hauling off to the other side of the world is a big event and I am so caught up in the big events of my life right now that I havn't really had time to process the full magnitude of what I am going to do and what needs to be done to make it happen. I never seem to really have the time to process mission trips before they happen--maybe its better that way?
I have a CRAZY weekend and tomorrow I am going to hear Natalie's AMAZING piano recital. So, I leave you with this last important piece of advice--
Don't Panic!