Saturday, April 29, 2006

School is almost over!

Yesterday was crazy, but it was THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL which was VERY cool. Now the little thing called finals... No problem right?

I got the Joy Allen and James C. Quinn Endowed Piano Scholarship in the GSR award ceremony yesterday--the funny things is that I can't get the endowment ($1,500) because I have the tuition waiver.

However, my name will be put on a plaque in the music building with all the other people who have gotten that scholarship.

I managed to forget what time studio class was yesterday so I wasn't there. *head bang* I felt SO BAD. Why did I forget for the first time on the last day of my sophomore year? Why? I can only quote the icon that Elise shared with me awhile back--"Can't brain today, have the dumb." I also found out that I wore mismatched earrings all day. If anyone noticed and didn't tell me (thanks a lot palls) , I hope they thought it was a bold fashion statement. So, I got an award, accepted it in mismatched earrings, and forgot about studio class all in one day. WHY AM I SO STUPID SOMETIMES?

Last night it stormed in the early hours of the morning. I was really deeply asleep when one particularly spectacular BOOM jolted me awake. I thought the world had ended and Jesus had come back. To bad--I really don't want to take the finals I have on Monday...

Mummy and I went shopping at K-Mart for suitable shirts to wear in Zambia. I sometimes have a hard time finding shirts that fit well, are long enough in the body and sleeves, and that I can afford. I am trying to build up a good wardrobe as I can afford it. The professional look is a slight drawback to my major... I don't understand why they make shirts so short now! I have a longer torso than a lot of people just because I'm tall, so you can imagine how short things are one me if they are short on an average person... I am convinced that clothing designers are raised in special environments where all they never actually see human beings or where they only see the stereotypical woman (which I have seen very few of in the wild outside of TV).

I can't believe that I am leaving in a little over a week! Hauling off to the other side of the world is a big event and I am so caught up in the big events of my life right now that I havn't really had time to process the full magnitude of what I am going to do and what needs to be done to make it happen. I never seem to really have the time to process mission trips before they happen--maybe its better that way?

I have a CRAZY weekend and tomorrow I am going to hear Natalie's AMAZING piano recital. So, I leave you with this last important piece of advice--

Don't Panic!