The creative efforts of a crazy middle school teacher living in small-town Texas with her cat, music, books, and knitting.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Notes From the Dragonlair
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Cool Things--Brocelïande
First of all,
Today I'm going to share group that I just found with you--I have their Christmas CD, but I want to get the rest of them!
Brocelïande is a quartet on the west coast that plays medieval and celtic music on modern instruments. One of the things that really stands out to me is that they have a cello in their group as well as a harp which adds A LOT to the overall sound. Plus, they play and sing very well! Here is one of my favorite Youtube videos of them--Tha Mi Sgith.
Here are some interesting things lifted shamelessly off the groups website:
*"Brocelïande plays Celtic music from the British isles and the Medieval and Renaissance music of the European courts and countrysides, with an emphasis on music inspired by or traditionally performed during each of the four seasons. Featuring stellar vocal and instrumental harmonies, their entrancing sound is built on the interweaving of up to 4-part vocals with the lyrical music of the Celtic harp, octave mandolin, cello, guitar, flutes, whistles, percussion, harmonica, and melodeon."
*"Our mission: to use historical music in a socially progressive way, to depict mankind in a healthy relationship to the environment, and to seek the liberation of the human spirit, both present and primordial, in as much as can be accomplished by music and song. . . and to have too much fun doing it!
*Just what does Brocelïande mean, anyway?
Brocelïande is a fabulous, mystical forest deep in the heart of Brittany, France. According to Arthurian legend, in this magical place the fairy Viviane (or Nimue, according to some) entrapped the sorcerer Merlin . . . and he remains enchanted there to this day.
*And how does one pronounce the word Brocelïande?
It's easy...bro SAY lee ahnd.
*Does Brocelïande use historically accurate instruments?
No, Broceliande primarily uses instruments from the classical and modern era, we use modern six and twelve steel string guitars, and modern German recorders.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Cool Things!

Here is a fun link for all you knitting types--Lime n Violet's Daily Chum. Here you will find daily articles on fiber, free knitting patterns, Etsy shops of AMAZINGNESS, pretty yarn, book reviews, and new techniques. You all wanted another fun thing to look at every day right?