Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Pathetic amount of knitting

Precious little that is not school related how gone on in my life recently; I had to run an errand into Ikelenge last Monday, and that meant I didn't have any time to do anything other than plan and work. About all I've managed are these two dishcloths (one of which saved me from blowing a gasket during a staff meeting),

and two more little stars. I wanted to use every little bit of this white up, and I had just a smidge of green left, and it turns out it was a good idea to combine the two things.

I also finished the box pleat hat and remembered I had a nice button I could use on the top. I'm not wild about this hat, but all I need it to do is to keep me from freezing in Germany for a week, and it will do that. I wonder if I tried to do this again with a little tighter fit of the body if I'd like it more.

I have a few knitting goals for myself before I leave, so we'll see how that goes with the other great tasks of packing up my house, classroom, finishing a term, and putting on a show!

I've done a bit of cooking this fall; the last weekend I was off I tried the Smitten Kitchen sour cream and pumpkin puddings; I liked not having to make the crust, and the way the sour cream went with it.

I also made some pumpkin soup,

and tried making pizza bread which didn't go super well. Lessons learned!

Parting shot: My little Java cat!

Monday, October 15, 2018

The Things We Knit When Life is Crazy...

No sign of the star fever drying up around here! These have been made at various times over the last two-three weeks (I'm loosing count). I made two as Christmas gifts and tried out a Halloween one,

and have plans for a few others before I have pretty much used up the yarn I have here that I feel like knitting stars with.

I knit some tentacles while I was off last weekend for the Cthulhu mask. I have kind of an idea of how many I want/need, but I think I'll need to start pinning them to the mask to get a better idea. The things we knit for love!

I got some more work down on my 'Coraline' squarcles, mostly while watching Logan which is just as good a movie as I remembered. A little hard to watch, but SO GOOD!

These will probably be in hibernation for awhile because I realized something. I have no hat or gloves to take with me to Germany! Where it will be cold! And it would be super embarrassing if a knitter had to by accessories! So, I started a simple hat, and am swatching for my attempt to copy some fingerless gloves I like but don't want to pay for.

Lastly, I finally finished my Trillian! This will probably not end up being mine, but it made good meeting knitting!

Here's hoping for a bit more knitting time this week...HA!