One of my family's oldest traditions is to watch "Riverdance" on St. Patrick's day after eating our corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes. We are very proud of our Irish heratige, and we love the music and the skill shown by the dancers. One of my favorite parts of Riverdance is the song played on the Uilleann pipes, "Cuchulainn's Lament." This heartbreaking song captures beautifuly the anguish of the warrios who had to slay his best friend.
As an added treat, here are some increadible videos of the Ullian Pipes as played by Seamus Ennis. These tug at my heart strings--I want to learn to do that! Here is another one...Enjoy!
In case you didn't know, this is what the Ullian Pipes look like.
I LOVE the Uillian pipes. I like them better than the Highland pipes, I think. Did you know that in Braveheart, there's a scene with a bunch of bagpipers on a hill playing Highland pipes--but the sound is the Uillian pipes!
yes yes! I love Riverdance!
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