Saturday, November 09, 2013

Designing is addictive...

I’ve had so much fun the last week and a half playing with my Erebor hat, that I haven’t knit much on anything else. I managed to ‘creatively interpret’ the instructions for the purple baby surprise jacket; I think it’s all sorted out now… This afternoon I finished off a dishcloth design I had started quite a bit ago—behold, the 221 b B Baker Street Dishcloth!

Maybe I should do one that says, “Elementary!”… I still have plans for some sort of Dwarvish fingerless gloves, but I think those will take quite a bit more time to work out. I noticed when I was watching The Hobbit last weekend that there are quite a few lovely hand-knit things—I approve! I might have to check out some of those other patterns on Ravelry now…

Other than getting my pattern ready to publish and a bit of reading, this past week hasn’t been that exciting. Rehearsals of the “Sakeji Trio” are underway; the arrangement I made of the Sans Day Carol seems to be working pretty well. Huzzah! It’s so good to sing in parts again…

So, to close off, here is a cute kid story.

On Tuesday in music class I was explaining (in very simplified terms) 12 tone music to the grade 2 students. I had some cards with the 12 tones on them, and they were ‘helping’ me put them back in order. As I grabbed the “C” card, I asked them what came next. “C shark!” came the happy response! The whole way through the chromatic scale they enthusiastically ‘sharked’ each sharp. While I tried to keep a straight face, I explained that there couldn’t be any sharks in music class—too much water. The joys of working with children; sometimes they make me laugh so much!

Also, while playing the Fantasia version of Rite of Spring for the older kids, I had some serious flashbacks to my childhood and the phase when we may have watched “Land Before Time.” A lot. In our defense, a) we were young, and b) it was the first one! Now I feel old…

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