Friday, December 27, 2013


Note: This was written before Christmas, but I thought I'd go ahead and post it, then share some pictures of my Christmas later.

I've been thinking a bit recently about traditions and how much they mean to me. I guess Christmas is sort of the best time of year for traditions, and growing up in my family meant that I learned a whole lot of them! While I mixed up some of my grandmother's delicious fruitcake this weekend, I thought about the many times I've enjoyed her fruitcake, how it always came wrapped in foil, and watching Grandma make it. As I worked I could see her in the kitchen--her movements slower then they were when I was younger, but very deliberate and sure. Making her recipe the way she taught me brought her close even though there is an ocean between us. So the fruitcake is more than just an important part of Christmas for me; it's a connection with home and Christmases in the past. Another tradition that is particularly close to my heart is the lighting of the Advent candles. Knowing that in a few hours my family will be doing the very same thing and memories of candle light from years past make this tradition a vital part of my Christmas celebration. Using the red candles that I grew up with and anticipating the lighting of the Christ candle help connect me with my German heritage and my family. There are so many other things--putting the lights on the tree the way my mom likes them, making certain Christmas goodies, reading the Christmas story and singing the carols. Yes, it is true that sometimes traditions become stressful and crazy and result in people weeping into mugs of tea at odd hours of the day or night, but especially when I am so very, very far from where I most want to be, anything that makes me forget for even an moment that there is an ocean between me and home is a very good thing. So, I will continue to celebrate Christmas with a nod to the past, concessions to present circumstances, and hope for the future.

Secret Christmas knitting continues, but I'll share a few of the ornaments I managed to get finished in the last few days. A naughty kitten,

A caroling faun,

And a wreath.

I've got a list of things that I want to finish before the year turns in addition to getting my house cleaned up properly, so I'll have a busy few days. More later!

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