Music-wise February has been all about my new favorite contemporary artist, Ed Sheeran. My sister asked for his album + (Plus) for Christmas, and I noticed that he was the guy who had done one of the songs for The Hobbit, “I See Fire” which I had liked. So, I took a listen…and got hooked. I bought X (Multiply) for my February pick, and then I found out that + had bonus tracks! A note of warning should any of you feel compelled to rush out and listen to Sheeran; I love his sound and some of his lyrics, but a lot of his songs are about a ‘party hard’ sort of lifestyle if you get my drift. Definitely not work approved, but I must admit that is part of the charm at the moment…
For books, I’ve been enjoying The Prestige. I decided to read it because I was thinking about how I’ve wanted to see that movie for awhile, especially since David Bowie played Tesla, and then I found the book and dove in. This is an excellent example of point of view; you get the story from several points of view as well as through some excellently done Victorian style journal entries. It makes me want to watch Now You See Me again… Now, I want to watch the movie even more than I did when I found out David Bowie was Tessla...
This month I’m also slowly watching through Castle Season 6, and so far I’m loving it. I was afraid that now that Castle and Beckett were engaged that the show would flop, but they are doing a good job of providing not only great cases, but good character development and plenty of Ryan and Esposito. Now the trick is to not rush through it too fast… I’m also doling out my last few episodes of Voyager Season 7. I borrowed Seasons 4-7 from my parents last time I was home, and as I’m two or three disks shy of the whole 7th season, I’m trying to make the geeky goodness last as long as possible. This is a show I’m going to have to have in its entirety one day…
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