Monday, April 02, 2018

Happy Easter!

I absolutely meant to update last week, and I even had an entry all typed up. And exploded, and I was over my eyeballs, and by the time I had a chance for something so 'frivolous' as blogging, what I had written was rather out of date. How over my eyeballs? Well, to use the Hogwarts measure, I returned over two inches of graded exams, not to mention all the other marking to finish out grades!

So, all the things I've been up to these last two weeks! My last weekend of term I was 'off' though very busy, but I did take time to try out a Nutella break recipe. I've found it's important to have something to look forward to when I'm off, and this was my big treat to myself for that weekend. It turned out really well--nicely balanced between the sweet dough and the spread. I'd totally make it again, and I hope next time I'll have some hazelnuts to kick it up a notch!

Since it was Easter, I of course made hot crossed buns. I forgot to half the recipe as I usually do, but that just meant I had some to share, and I have some to freeze. I'm getting better at this every year; I should have it down to an art in another two or three!

I also tried out a shimmer egg kit that I was hoping would show up enough on our brown eggs to make it worthwhile. I'm pretty happy with the results--next year this won't be an issue!

I mostly did 'brainless' knitting while reading in the mornings during exam week, and while talking to my family on Easter I got about to the decreases on another brioche baby hat, but the main thing I worked on when I had a moment was still my Hitofude. This is what it looked like right before exam week--ready to start the increases,

And...that's about what it looks like now too, since I didn't read a vital instruction and had to rip out close to two inches of knitting. I hate when I orchestrate knitting attacks... Everything from the heart marker up had to go. Ah well; it builds character, right?

Now that the holiday has started, one of my biggest goals is to get caught up on sleep and to plan my April and July trips. And to knit. And to not be around kids. And to clean my house, sort a bunch of stuff, get rid of a lot of stuff, and to cook. I'm a third of the way through this year!

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