Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Hustling while I wait

I used to tell my kids to 'hustle while they waited,' in other words, to find something productive to do while they waited for me or a supply. I'm still deep in job hunting; I have several initial inquiries/applications out there, and I haven't had any subbing for over a week. But, I have a place to teach now, so I'm hoping to have my studio open for business in the next week or so. Having the looming deadline of three and a half weeks before I'm incomeless is a rather large motivator...

So, while I wait, I've been doing some fiber stuff. I'm working on the Vinovia socks, and I realized that they are going to be loooooong because I missed a key phrase in the directions, which isn't a mistake per say, but lets just say I wasn't anticipating getting so close to knee socks in my lifetime. Also, the little bit of yarn was tied on the wrong way, so the first bit of the color repeat is backwards. Which means I have a "how crazy do you feel today?" question when I cast on the second one. I actually am on the foot now, but am too lazy to take another picture.

I have started working on a new crop of dishcloths for my 'hope chest;' nothing exciting, but I'm enjoying the colors and the fine gauge of the yarn!

I started the Fancy Mee shawl that I've been dying to start for about two years now. It's designed rather along the 'goldfish memory' lines, meaning there are several changes of the two colors and the texture in the different sections, so you don't have much chance to get bored. Here are some pics of the two sections I've finished so far. I'm back at a garter stripe section just now, which I had to knit the beginning of twice because I'm an idiot, but its all sorted now!

I was sitting in church on Sunday and realized my lap was full of little blue bits. Turns out the fake leather cover of the 10 year old notebook I'm using for sermon and bible study notes was disintegrating. So, I used the end of one of the fat quarters I made my car trash bag out of, and handsewed a cute little cover for it. I'm actually quite pleased--the piece of fabric was almost the perfect size.

I've been slowly working on some altering/mending projects (I really need to get my jeans back in rotation again), and I decided to go ahead and use part of the gift card my ex-coworkers gave me to buy a replacement of the sewing machine I had to leave in the bush. I got the same model, a basic Janome, but I really enjoyed that machine, and it did all I needed it to do. I had hoped to find some fabric for a new garb skirt at Jo-Ann's today, but was disappointed. I'm going to have to decide how much that means to me this spring.

I thought I'd share the picture my brother sent of him modeling his requested item--the Cthulu ski mask. It was a true labor of love, but my bro is worth it!

Finally, I could resist bringing this gentleman home when I found him at Dollar General today. Just in time for Valentine's!

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